Continuing Rio de Janeiro’s Bruce Leroys duo ongoing quest to blend the musical future with the echoes of the past, they stumbled upon Letícia Fialho, a Brazilian artist who seamlessly fuses Afroblues with the spirit of 1970s MPB.
Letícia embodies the authentic street sound, merging the vibrant festivity of Carnival with the tranquil depths of contemporary blues. She stands as a national treasure, poised to influence the course of Brazilian music in the years to come.
The EP boasts a fiery deep house sound at its core, with big groovy basslines and tightly packed drum work on display, though the highlight is Leticia’s soulful topline vocal which pulls the track together.
Dive in and savour the experience!
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A R T I S T // Letícia Fialho, Bruce Leroys
T I T L E // Maravilha Marginal (Aureum Remix)
L A B E L // Aureum
R E L E A S E // October 27th, 2023
C A T N O // AU006
F O R M A T // Digital + Streaming
G E N R E // Deep House
T R A C K S //
01/ Maravilha Marginal (Aureum Radio Edit)
02/ Maravilha Marginal (Aureum Remix)
03/ Maravilha Marginal (Aureum Dub Version)
F O L L O W //