Montreal’s Parts Project brings the next release on Juncture Music with his Dreamerz EP. Leveraging the practical limitations of performing with a simple live hardware setup, he finds new ways of breathing energy and movement into the experience, while remaining connected with his audience. Exploring this challenge and finding new techniques has been the foundation of Parts Project, all of which can be heard on this EP.

These pieces are more melodic than his previous work. They were first constructed with melody and mood, with the rest built around that. They are reflective and nostalgic, tracing the isolated, urban experience, while maintaining an uncompromising energy throughout.

We have the first play of “Blossumer”, a stunning slice of deep electronica with a shuffling broken beat running beneath beautifully constructed pads and vocal stabs:

A R T I S T // Parts Project
T I T L E // Dreamerz
L A B E L // Juncture Music
R E L E A S E // April 5 2023
F O R M A T // Digital

T R A C K S //

  1. Dreamerz
  2. Passers
  3. Tempered
  4. Blossumer

F O L L O W //